We Provide Business Solutions

Combining both retrieval (AI/ML) and generation (GenAI) techniques.


We offer business solutions specializing in answering questions from specific documents and data sources. Enabling Q&A functionalities on various types of documents such as e-commerce, website content, digital services, resumes, product manuals, support documents; and on structured data sources such as IoT data, ERP, CRM, and more.
By merging the capabilities of information retrieval and generation models, RAG elevates data-driven decision-making and fosters improved communication strategies for enterprises.
This technology not only transforms conventional chat-bots into intelligent agents but also enriches business content and context.

Q&A With AI

Retrieval Augmented Generatio (RAG)

RAG is a natural language processing (NLP) model that combines both retrieval (AI/ML) and generation (GenAI) techniques. In simple terms, RAG can retrieve information from a database or knowledge base and then use that information to generate contextually relevant and coherent responses.
This integration of retrieval and generation capabilities makes RAG particularly effective in tasks such as question-answering systems and conversational AI, where understanding context is crucial for providing accurate and meaningful responses.